Check out these love and sex images:
Image by ak42
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Answer by Lordpercywooster XXV
so why ask again?
Answer by bronzebabekentucky
Jail. It's Illegal.
Answer by shamgod80
dude they do
Answer by ladystang
would say it would have to
Answer by Blueberry Head
I don't...
I don't get what you mean?
I have sex because it's sex...sometimes it's linked with love, which is nice...it's not a trade.
Answer by blossom_102
its pretty common for an IUD
i do suggest you go to the doctors though!
Answer by Mr. Tights
It doesn't always work lol. The first time I had sex we gave up after about 10 minutes. Lube is very important and I didn't have it the first time and it would have been much easier.